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Green Juices


過敏性體質 / ALLERGIC



How to regulate allergic constitution?

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that people with allergic constitution mainly have dysfunction of lung, spleen and kidney.

Doctor Lu Yanzhi points out that in traditional Chinese medicine, allergic constitution is divided into three syndrome types: lung qi deficiency, spleen qi deficiency and kidney qi deficiency.

For example, patients with allergic rhinitis are prone to sneeze and runny nose, which is congestion and edema of the nasal mucosa. The ancients believed that the lung, spleen and kidney are basically related to the water regulation of the human body. If the function of the three organs is not normal, the accumulation of water caused by the imbalance of water metabolism will cause the edema of mucosal tissue and other allergic symptoms. So in the acute phase, the immune response is excessive, to reconcile the lung, spleen, kidney three zang qi and blood, combined with heat and water of traditional Chinese medicine. In the remission period, traditional Chinese medicine that can promote Yang qi of lung, spleen and kidney should be selected to stabilize the immune system and prevent the recurrence of allergy.

【治療方向】 補肺益氣固表
【治療藥物 】玉屏風散的加減。易自汗加浮小麥;怕冷者加桂枝。
【治療方向】 健脾化痰


材料:西洋參10g、生黃耆10g、炒白朮10g、紅棗3大顆、水600 cc


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